Admission open from Nursery to CAIE IX 2024-25. IBDP (XI & XII) 2024-26 is Open.

Report on Eumind Project

Eumind Project 2nd Virtual Meet-Up: Bridging Global Minds for Sustainable Solutions

In a virtual symphony of ideas, the Eumind Project's second meet-up transcended physical boundaries as diverse school teams gathered online for a collaborative exchange. The virtual setting provided a unique platform for both groups exploring common topics to share progress, delve into action plans, and interact with one another.

Each team presented their project updates, offering insights into their research and understanding of shared topics. The virtual space facilitated dynamic discussions where questions were posed, and responses flowed seamlessly, fostering a sense of real-time engagement. The 10-minute interactive sessions allowed teams to delve deeper into each other's projects, forging connections and broadening perspectives.

Cultural understanding between HFSI and Maerlant Lyceum students emerged as a recurring theme during their interactions. Teams from both schools acknowledged the importance of tailoring sustainable goals to fit diverse cultural requirements, adding depth to their action plans. The virtual meet-up highlighted the significance of context-specific approaches in creating impactful and globally resonant solutions.

As participants move forward, the virtual meet-up's energy propels them towards refining and implementing collaborative action plans. The Eumind Project's online platform remains a hub for ongoing communication, ensuring that the momentum generated during the virtual meet- up sustains the journey towards sustainable and interconnected solutions.

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