Admission open from Nursery to CAIE IX 2024-25. IBDP (XI & XII) 2024-26 is Open.


HFSI CAIE Primary Grades 3, 4, and 5- Mathematics House Activity Report

In Grades 3, 4, and 5, students engaged in a series of house activities centered around exploring mathematical concepts through the creation of board games. Each house was assigned to design and construct a specific board game.

The students of Beta House delved into the world of probability and strategy as they designed and crafted a Ludo game. Through this activity, they gained hands-on experience in calculating probabilities, understanding game mechanics, and strategizing their moves.

Delta House students embarked on a mathematical journey through the creation of a Snakes and Ladders game. This classic board game allowed students to explore concepts such as counting, addition, and probability. By designing the game board and rules, Delta House students honed their mathematical skills while fostering creativity and teamwork.

The students of Alpha House demonstrated their mathematical prowess by constructing a chess board. Chess is a game renowned for its strategic depth making it an ideal platform for exploring mathematical concepts such as geometry, logic, and problem-solving. Through the creation of the chess board, Alpha House students honed their critical thinking skills and gained a deeper understanding of mathematical principles.

Sigma House students embraced the challenge of creating a Scrabble board, a game that blends vocabulary skills with mathematical thinking. By crafting the game board and tiles, Sigma House students engaged in activities that reinforced concepts such as counting, addition, and pattern recognition.

Overall, the house activitiy proved to be an enriching and enjoyable experience for students. It was a fantastic way to bring math to life and make it more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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