Admission open from Nursery to CAIE IX 2024-25. IBDP (XI & XII) 2024-26 is Open.

Robotics Workshop - Report


Today’s world is not only growing fast in terms of education but also expanding its horizons in the already celebrated realms of science and technology, the two being subjected to infinite research and development. The contemporary world demands attention to these subjects for the discoveries that yet remain to be unraveled.

HFSI introduced Robotics this year, to equip children with the prowess to design programs for creating robots and robotic systems. A workshop was conducted on Saturday, 10th September to train all the teachers of CAIE Primary. The session was conducted by facilitator Mr Amit, who was well organized and full of learning. Materials required for various experiments were not only neatly compiled but also the detailed usage of each material and its components was rendered by the facilitator. Concepts like Electricity, Optics, Force and Magnetism were portrayed as easy-to-learn topics through fun experiments.

The live scientific experiments and demonstrations are sure to trigger the scientific curiosity in all our learners just as did in our teachers.

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